K-12 School Family Engagement that Drives Outcomes

Schools & Districts

Support families from PreK through 12th grade with Dual Capacity Building Framework-aligned family engagement. Support children at home, stimulate home-school-community connections, and empower educators and administrators with actionable data, meeting ESSER, Title I, Title III, Title IV, and Title V requirements.

NEW! Explore the High School curriculum for 9th – 12th grade families.

See what low lift, high impact really means

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Dad and daughter writing

Empower your families

ParentPowered offers you evidence-based family engagement curricula your PreK to 12th grade families will love. Each week, parents and caregivers receive text messages with fun facts and easy tips on how to promote their children’s development by building on existing family routines – like finding fractions while making food or asking their child to predict what will happen next while reading a story.

And to increase access, ParentPowered is available in 10+ languages, with Core, Trauma-Informed, and student data-driven Personalized Learning support.

Connect the home, school & community


Educators are busy! That’s why ParentPowered has made it easy to get high impact, low lift family engagement into the hands of your parents.


  • Enroll all families with one click
  • Send your own messages to connect families to local resources
  • Analyze data on demand
  • Loop teachers into the conversation with newsletters for each ParentPowered unit
  • See the impact on your families with family engagement surveys and an End-of-Year Impact Report

What Parents Receiving ParentPowered Messages Say

"[My favorite thing about the messages is] The fact that they make math and reading look practical in the house"

"The literacy activities have helped my son's reading level skyrocket!"

"By giving fun tips, relaxing questions to ask to your child, and advice on rewarding our children, [ParentPowered helps in] a lot of ways."

"Getting ideas to help them engage in conversation, understanding different objects and shapes the represent."

"They're always a good reminder to be intentional with my child when we do day-to-day activities."

"With the suggestions you suggest I use them right away & use them over & over. My daughter remembers repetition & she is progressing very well."

"It has increased her engagement with us and us with her, so that has been nice!"

"I have found ways for her to elaborate conversationally in ways I wouldn't normally have thought of."

"[ParentPowered] is the same as having a life coach.. .very well needed and appreciated."

"With working full time, picking up from daycare, there is precious little time in the evening to connect with the family beyond dinner, these ideas help 👍."

How ParentPowered Works

Enroll the hardest-to-reach

The ParentPowered team gives you multiple ways to connect with families, ensuring that even the hardest-to-reach receive support.


Your families will begin receiving texts

Each week, parents receive texts with fun facts and tips on how to support their children’s development by building on daily routines.

Increase your impact

Support families all year long. You can also send custom messages, track click data, and survey families to learn what matters most to them.

Watch your families grow

Quarterly family engagement surveys and end of year impact reports show how your families are growing with ParentPowered.

ParentPowered Products

Choose the ParentPowered curriculum that best meets your program’s goals.

ParentPowered Core

Standards aligned whole child parenting curriculum to spark everyday learning moments

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Core - Literacy Skills


Aligned to the protective factors framework to give families an additional layer of support

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Parental Resilience

Personalized Learning

Curated curriculum based on a child’s Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®-3) screener results

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Personalized Learning

Wondering which solution is the best fit for your families?

What Partners Say About ParentPowered

ParentPowered gives everyone concrete strategies to help their children with both specific academic skills and social emotional skills. It also gives parents important developmental information about their children as well as encouragement for the tough job of parenting. It's actually one of the only things I have purchased, in my 35 years of work in education, that every time I get something, I say to myself "that is so good; I am so glad we use this!" I love what you are doing!

Dr. Christine Ivie
Heritage Academy

"Parents really appreciate that it is simple, doesn't require anything additional, and stays on their phone."

Lori Krzeszewski
WAKE Up and Read
Archdiocese of New York

"ParentPowered is a great way to remind families that as a Catholic church, we're rooting for them."

Michael Coppotelli
Senior Associate Superintendent of Schools
Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New York
San Francisco USD Logo

“The ParentPowered program is a resource for families that is practical and will actually help them advance their child’s development not only academically but also socially and emotionally.”

Meenoo Yashar
Chief, Early Education Department
San Francisco Unified School District
Kamehameha Schools Logo

"I think ParentPowered fills a need that no other program I've been able to find to date can fill."

Dr. Wai'ale'ale Sarsona
Vice President of the Hi‘ialo Group
Kamehameha Schools
Clark County School District

"Connect with families in such an easy format... with ideas that are easily usable... It almost seemed like a no-brainer -- like why wouldn't you?"

Domenic Russo
Lee Antonello Elementary School
Corpus Christi ISD

"Now that I've seen it in action, my idea of what family engagement means has gotten bigger."

Iris Estrada
Early Childhood Coordinator
Corpus Christi ISD

Read More About Our Impact

ParentPowered Funding

ParentPowered programs are an allowable use of multiple federal and state funding programs. Choose a learning support solution shown to increase student growth and build the home-school connection.

Title I

ParentPowered qualifies as part of any school or district’s required written parent and family engagement policy, as well as for the 1% of Title I funds reserved for Parent and Family Engagement.

Download Overview


ParentPowered meets all of the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund, including ARP ESSER and ESSER III Funds.

Download Overview

Title III

ParentPowered qualifies as part of any school or district’s required written parent and family engagement policy, as well as for the Title III funds reserved for Parent, Family and Community Engagement.

Download Overview

family engagement

See Why Educators Love ParentPowered

Take a self-paced tour of the ParentPowered programs to answer questions like:

  • How does the evidence-based methodology work?
  • What do the families receive each week?
  • Which skills and content areas are covered in each curricula?
  • How do the curricula support classroom learning?
  • What does the implementation process look like?
  • What kind of data and reporting is included in the program?

Take the Tour

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Ready to give your families a parenting curriculum they'll love?