Schools and Districts
ParentPowered is a high impact, low lift way to use your Title I, Title III, Title IV, Title V, and ESSER dollars.

Title I
ParentPowered qualifies as part of any school or district’s required written parent and family engagement policy, as well as for the 1% of Title I funds reserved for Parent and Family Engagement.

ParentPowered meets all of the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund, including ARP ESSER and ESSER III Funds.

Title III
ParentPowered qualifies as part of any school or district’s required written parent and family engagement policy, as well as for the Title III funds reserved for Parent, Family and Community Engagement.
Head Start
These are some of the funding strategies Head Starts have used to bring ParentPowered Core, ParentPowered Trauma-Informed, and ParentPowered Personalized Learning to their families.

Head Start Trauma Informed
Informed by SAMHSA’s 4Rs, built on a robust evidence base, and closely aligned to Head Start requirements, ParentPowered Trauma-Informed can be supported through funds set aside for family engagement, Head Start Quality Improvement Funds, and COVID-19 funding, among others.

PFCE Framework
ParentPowered meets all the requirements and the highest level of evidence as a “Evidence/Research-Based” curriculum in the Parenting Curricula Review Databases compiled by the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement.

Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF)
ParentPowered leverages the power of text messaging to send evidence-based messages addressing each of the Central Domains in the ELOF: Social & Emotional Development; Language & Literacy; Cognition; and, Perceptual, Motor, & Physical Development.