We believe that all children deserve the opportunity to thrive. Research, practice, and our own experiences tell us that parents play a particularly powerful role in fostering their children’s development. We know that all parents want their children to succeed, and study after study makes it clear that parents will eagerly uptake tools to support their parenting journey, if they’re available.
The challenge is that the supply of high-quality parenting solutions is limited, expensive, and hard to access, and all too often, only families with the most resources get access to effective tools.
We exist to fill this gap by creating highly accessible, evidence-based parenting solutions. By equipping all families with easy-to-use tools, we can tap into the immense power of a parent’s love for their child, and help ensure that all children are given the opportunity to thrive in school and life.
But we can change these outcomes!
Research shows that when armed with the skills and insights to help their children succeed, parents and caregivers do take action. And when parents take action, children thrive. Our team designed ParentPowered to inspire and activate parents and caregivers with simple, accessible, strengths-based insights that they can integrate into everyday teachable moments. How?
Break down the complexity of engaged parenting into small steps that are easy to achieve
Provide helpful information, encouragement, and support to parents continuously over a prolonged period of time through strengths-based messaging
Leverage mobile technology and translate into home languages to reach as many parents as possible
Because when children thrive, we all succeed.
About Our Public Benefit Corporation Status
As a public benefit corporation, ParentPowered has embraced a legal responsibility to pursue social impact, not just profits. We accomplish this not only by building tools designed to support the most vulnerable families, but also through:
- Establishing benchmarks for serving economically disadvantaged families
- Offering startup grants for early and elementary education organizations serving economically disadvantaged families, providing significant financial support for up to 3 years